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Authorized DNA Collection Site for CIC


Fingerprinting, Background Checks

& DNA Testing in Toronto Canada

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Major Intersection

McCowan and Ellesmere Road

200 Town Centre Court #5, (Passport Office Main  Floor) in Government of Canada building very close to Highway 401

Parking Options

Free Parking at Scarborough Town Centre (Mall Parking)

Paid parking between 200 Town Centre Court and YMCA (West Side)

Frequently Asked Questions

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How conclusive are the sibling DNA test results?

Sibling DNA analysis is not as conclusive as paternity DNA test. A sibling DNA test will provide a probability that two individuals are biologically related and can not provide a yes or no answer. On average full siblings will share more genetic markers than half-siblings, and half-siblings share more genetic markers than unrelated individuals. Furthermore, Combined Siblingship Indices (CSI) (probabilities) of full siblings, half-siblings and unrelated individuals sometimes overlap, resulting in uncertainty of the relationship.

How do I pay for this fingerprinting service?

You can pay by a credit card (Visa or MasterCard only) or  email transfer to ([email protected]). CLICK HERE to download Credit Card Authorization Form.

How much does it cost for international fingerprinting services?

Dig­i­tiz­ing inked fingerprints and electronic transmission to the RCMP: CAD $150.00 including the RCMP fee $25.00 plus applicable taxes.

Why do you need my photograph?

The certified criminal record check issued by the RCMP has your picture printed on it. Therefore, a picture of the applicant is transmitted to RCMP with your fingerprints.

Does RCMP mail out the Canadian Criminal Record Check outside of Canada?

Yes, RCMP can send the Certified Criminal Record Check to any address (in Canada or outside of Canada) via Canada Post regular mail.

Would you accept scanned version of my fingerprints for electronic transmission to the RCMP?

No, unfortunately, as per RCMP’s protocol, we can’t process scanned version of your fingerprints. Please mail / courier your original fingerprint form along with the other documents, as described in the instructions. Also we are unable to process photocopied fingerprints.

How long will it take to receive the Canadian Police Check?

The processing times for all electronic fingerprint submissions submitted to the RCMP’s Canadian Criminal Real Time Identification Services (CCRTIS) varies from 3 business days to 120 days.

If the applicant does not have a criminal record and there is no match to an RCMP fingerprint record then processing is complete in 72 hours. RCMP will mail the results back to the applicant or the designated third party within 72 hours. Please allow extra time  for delivery by Canada Post.

In cases where the applicant does have a criminal record or there is a match to an RCMP fingerprint record then the processing time could be up to 120 days or longer. Keeping in view the above factors please allow sufficient time for receiving the results by regular mail before making any status update inquiries.

How long does it take to get fingerprint results from RCMP?

If the fingerprints are submitted electronically to the RCMP, the application is processed and the results are sent in 7 to 10 working days through Canada Post (regular mail), provided “there is NO match to a criminal record“. In cases where there is a possible match to an RCMP criminal database holding, the processing time may extend up to or exceed 120 days.

Who to contact about the status of my fingerprints with RCMP?

If your application is taking longer than the time indicated you can call the RCMP at 613-998-6362 or send an email to:

[email protected] with the following information:

  • Full name
  • Date of birth
  • Phone number
  • The document control number (DCN) if it is available
  • The date of application was submitted to the RCMP
  • The type of application you submitted – (Criminal Record check for ….)
Who needs fingerprints?

You may need to submit your fingerprints to RCMP for:

Personal Security
Permanent Residence
International Adoptions
Foreign Travel, Visas, Passports, Work Permits and US Waivers
Record Suspensions (Pardons)

Do I need to book an appointment?


Do you provide fingerprints on RCMP’s fingerprint form C-216C?

Yes, we can provide your fingerprints on RCMP’s fingerprint form C-216C.

What do I need to bring with me for fingerprinting?

You need to bring two (2) pieces of valid, original and government-issued identification documents. One (1) piece of identification must include a photo, name, date of birth and signature of the applicant.

How will I obtain my results for the RCMP criminal record check?

The RCMP will directly mail the hard copy of the certified criminal record check to either the individual (applicant) or a designated third party via Canada Post.

Where can I get my fingerprints taken for an FBI background check (Police Clearance Certificate)?

A Police Clearance Certificate or Identity History Summary Check from the USA is often referred to as a criminal background check, criminal history recordpolice/good conduct certificate. If you are in Canada then you must submit your fingerprints to FBI on a standard fingerprint form (FD-258). Canadian Forensics Inc. We will capture your fingerprints electronically using Live Scan technology to ensure the highest quality of fingerprints. We will then print your fingerprints on FBI FD-258 using FBI certified printer. The process takes about 15-20 minutes.

Where to get fingerprints done in Toronto?

You can walk into our Toronto (Scarborough) office (200 Town Centre Court #5 ) with two (2) pieces of government issued identification for professional, fast and friendly digital and ink & roll fingerprinting services for:

  • Citizenship
  • Security Clearances (DCN Numbers Provided)
  • Permanent Residency
  • Controlled Goods
  • Record Suspensions (Pardons)
  • Foreign Visa, Travel and Work
  • Criminal Background Checks
  • Employment (Private Industry, Federal, Provincial, Police)
  • Adoption
  • Name Change
  • Privacy Act Request
  • Volunteer Employment
  • All other civil purposes
Do you keep my fingerprints on file at your office?

No, the fingerprints are deleted from the RCMP system as soon as the transaction is complete and results are shared.

Why do a criminal background check (CPIC Check) in Canada?

CPIC checks or background checks based on the name and date of birth of the potential employees are the most preferred method of criminal background screening by Canadian employers. You may also need a criminal background check for foreign travel, visa, name change, professional licensing, coaching, volunteering and other civil purposes.

What is a Criminal Background Check in Toronto, Canada?

A Canadian criminal background check is also referred to as a police record check, criminal history check, police clearance certificate or simply criminal background check. A criminal background check in Canada is a search of the CPIC (Canadian Police Information Center) database, maintained by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), to find out whether a police record is associated with the applicant’s name and date of birth. CPIC checks are the most preferred method of criminal background screening by Canadian employers along with other reasons

What is a Vulnerable Sector Check and who needs Vulnerable Sector Screening?

Please CLICK HERE to read about Vulnerable Sector Screening and who needs it?

A vulnerable sector check is only conducted by the local police service.

How long does it take to complete a criminal record check application?

It takes approximately 10-15 minutes to complete a criminal record check application. Consent form and application must be completed in the presence of Canadian Forensics processing staff at our office located at: 200 Town Centre Court #5Scarborough, ON M1P 4X8 

Do I need an appointment?

No, you are welcome to walk-in to our Toronto office (200 Town Centre Court #5, Scarborough, ON M1P 4X8) with two (2) items of government issued identification for a police check.

What shows up on a criminal record check in Canada?

A name and date of birth based police record check does not list any offences. It will indicate only whether a criminal record is associated with the applicant’s name and date of birth. A certified criminal record check through RCMP however may show a summary of offence (s) for which a record suspension (pardon) has not been granted.

I have a criminal record. Can I still get a police certificate based on my name and date of birth?

No, if you have a criminal record your criminal record check will come back as “incomplete” and you will lose the fee paid for CPIC name check. You will have to submit your fingerprints to RCMP to obtain a criminal record check with additional applicable fee.

What do I need to bring with me for obtaining a Police Clearance Certificate?

Bring two (2) pieces of govt issued identification. This is mandatory to comply with RCMP policy for issuing a Police Background Check in Canada.

How does the CPIC Check work?

Please CLICK HERE to read an article on how CPIC works in Toronto Star.

What is the processing time for a Police Clearance Certificate in Toronto Canada?

Canadian Forensics Inc is able to provide you with a Police Clearance Certificate in Toronto – THE SAME DAY. We may receive results back from police service in as little as 2-3 hours. Please note that the turn-around time may fluctuate depending on the number of applications on the police server and time of the day.

Where can I get a Criminal Record Check (Police Clearance Certificate) in Toronto or Scarborough?

Walk-in to our office located at: 200 Town Centre Court #5, Scarborough, ON M1P 4X8 with two (2) items of government issued identification to obtain a criminal background check the SAME DAY

Is the police clearance certificate issued by you the same as provided by the local police services?

Yes, we are authorized agents of Canadian Police Services and we issue the Police Clearance Certificate on a police-letterhead signed with an embossed seal on it.

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